Product Information

Optron Curtains

Product Catalogs Available

Ideal for hygiene management and insect control in places such as human entrances/exits, partitions, and booths! In addition to physically blocking intrusion from entrance/exit points, it also prevents attraction of flying insects due to leaked light.

  • Hygiene:Sheet shutters、Insect-repellent materials、Insect-repellent systems、Insect-repelling illumination systems
  • Consulting and Intellectual Property:Hygiene control、Food safety、Food-processing facilities、Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) guidelines
  • Engineering:Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) sanitary engineering

Overview of Products, Technologies, and Services

The green "Optron Curtain" that cuts off light that attracts insects has achieved a higher attraction prevention rate than typical orange or clear curtains. It offers three installation methods to choose from and can be tailored to suit your needs on site.

Product Features

Feature 1 There are three installation methods to choose from: fixed type, slide type, and accordion type.
We highly recommend the "fixed type" for the overseas market due to its ease of installation and low mounting bracket requirements.
Feature 2 【Fixed type】The noren type is a perfect fit for entrances that experience frequent human traffic. For insect prevention, we suggest using the fixed type to avoid instances of forgetting to close or leaving the curtain open. Additionally, you have the freedom to choose the curtain sheet and curtain overlap percentage.

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